Languages offered: Spanish, Portuguese, Polish
This unique type of therapy encourages muscles to relax, soften, lengthen, and strengthen. By manipulating the trigger points using moderate pressure (too much pressure can cause the muscles to tense up) and stretching, a chiropractor can help you reduce pain and increase mobility.
During trigger point therapy, your chiropractor will locate trigger points by pressing on muscle tissue or manipulating the muscle fibers. Once the trigger point has been located, the therapist applies pressure to gradually reduce your pain.
As they apply pressure, your chiropractor may ask you to rate your discomfort on a one-to-ten scale, with one being the lowest level of discomfort and ten being excruciating pain. The chiropractor will apply gradual pressure until you reach a five or six on this scale, then apply steady pressure until the pain dissipates to a level two or lower. At this point, the trigger is assumed to be “deactivated.”
However, if the pain does not dissipate, it may not be a trigger point. In this instance, the therapist will stop and move on to another point.
A trigger point specialist may be hard to locate. The practitioners at Marlboro Chiropractic can help.
Contact Marlboro Chiropractic at (508) 481-1133 today.
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